Crafting, Crafts, Cross Stitch, Discord, Family Friendly, Ko-Fi, Readers and Crafters

February Wrap-Up

February was a strange month. Massive reading slump which leads to a writing block that grows daily, weather which was chilly for here but still far warmer than the last several February’s, and a general sense of being out of sorts in my own skin. I enjoyed stitching in February, it was the only truly creative escape I had which is frustrating. Heck I didn’t even enjoy cooking this month which is unusual.

Weather has warmed up and the return of sunshine has set things right again in my world. We always joke about being a solar powered family but it is true. I just flat out function much better when there is sunlight streaming through the windows and I can go outside and accomplish tasks without bundling up. As I write this in fact, I am on our patio with a slight breeze and sunshine making all of the world happy and content.

Temperature Quilt for 2022 is up to date, through March 1st in fact. I am loving the weaving of colors and it will be a great visual reminder in late July when it is hot and humid that eventually it will be cold enough to stitch purple on some days in winter! The nights have been too cold to plant anything yet, but I think we are through the worst of it and I hope this month sees a bunch of new plants, or seeds, thriving in my garden by the end of the month. It will definitely help reduce my produce bill as the year progresses!

There are days when you are just intensely aware of how blessed you are, and you just have to pause and whisper a prayer of thanks for your life. Today is one of those days for me, sure life is not perfect, and the world is a mess but here, right now? The breeze, the warmth of the sun, the birds and butterflies flitting here and there, and the love of an amazing man make this moment in time one I am blessed to enjoy.

February was less than I had hoped but March is shaping up to be more than I could have wished. May your March be better than your February.

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Creative Writing, Discord, Family Friendly, Ko-Fi, Readers and Crafters, Writing, Writing Prompt

16th: Sleeping In

February is many things but unofficially it is Love Month. What could be more loving than letting your husband sleep in on the weekends? Mine loves nothing more than a good lie in and I no longer wake him on the weekends unless there is a very specific reason to do so. Years ago, he could sleep in well past noon and be in bed before midnight. As we travel on the downward slope of life’s hill, he has lost his ability to sleep in as late.

I have always been in awe of his ability to sleep in, for it is never something I enjoyed. I would much rather be up with the birds watching dawn break over the horizon. Yet as I age, I see the sunrise less and our sleeping patterns grow closer together which is something I never anticipated. It is odd and yet heartwarming. No longer have I finished my morning coffee long before he stirs, instead he joins me for my second cup most days. Amazing how much comfort and joy a little thing like company for morning company can bring with time and wisdom. Mornings are no longer solitary but are rather filled with company and talk.

Sleeping in is the unexpected gift of young love and diminishes with time. Diminishment is not loss however, rather it is change and without change life is stagnant and meaningless. Change is ever present and however much I despise the loss of the familiar, with time I have learned that without change life is boring and without meaning. I may not have embraced changed like a best friend but change is much a part of life as sleeping in on the weekends.

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Crafting, Crafts, Cross Stitch, Family Friendly, UFO

Disappointing Your Mum as a UFO is now a DNF

What happens when someone you love asks you to create something and you just cannot? Welcome to my conundrum for the last six years plus.

2015, at the latest, my mum asked me to stitch the three patterns below by Barbara Baatz.

I have started them. I have set the aside and returned to them. They have been from one side of the country to the other and back again. I have removed stitches, changed fabric, changed the fabric stitch count, and every other option I could think of to no avail.

My husband walked into the room today and said I looked miserable. I had restarted one of them yet again. Each and every stitch was a struggle. The stitches refused to lay well; the first picture the stitches are wonky as all get out, and the pressure I am placing on myself he is correct.

My mum is losing her eyesight; she is 74 this month and not in the best of health. If I am perfectly honest, every stitch felt like a nail in her coffin. Intellectually, I know that it is ridiculous but emotionally? Emotionally, every stitch feels like I am stealing life from my mother. Yes, it is utter nonsense, but there is no getting out of my own head.

Both pieces are officially DNF, Did Not Finish, as of this afternoon. I will be ripping out the stitches, removing them from their scroll frames, and feeling guilty but relieved. Mum, I am deeply sorry, but you raised me to know when to DNF a project. I am sorry for the disappointment and letting you down. But I love you too much to stitch your death.

Crafting, Crafts, Cross Stitch, Discord, Family Friendly, Ko-Fi, Readers and Crafters, UFO

February’s Stitching Focus

It is the first of the month and I spun the UFO2FO wheel this morning. The focus pieces for February are: Witch’s Pantry again and the piece I am stitching for my mum.

Since Mum reads this blog regularly and the piece is sorta a surprise, no pictures. But here is where I am On Witch’s.

Starting Point for February

I am truly enjoying stitching this piece and I am loving the fibers I substituted. If all goes according to the plan in my head, hopefully I can stitch the next two spots on the shelf this month.

I will also be continuing my Temperature Quilt and the birthday gift for hubby.

What crafty things are you working on? Time to go stitch!

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Crafting, Crafts, Cross Stitch, Discord, Family Friendly, Ko-Fi, Readers and Crafters, UFO

January Stitching Update

January has been a highly productive month of stitching and simultaneously an incredibly frustrating month of stitching and frogging.

Frogging First

I started stitching the piece for hubby’s birthday as soon as the floss and fabric arrived at the beginning of the month. According to the pattern, I needed a piece of 18 count fabric and the finished piece was 10×9 inches. So allowing for the needed three inch allowance, the fat quarter I ordered should have been more than enough fabric. NOPE!!! Three times I stitched and frogged, each time putting in over 300 stitches, equivalent to three percent of the overall stitch count, and three times I was out of fabric before I had reached the end of the stitched area. I measured and remeasured the fabric, it was a fat quarter. I double then tripled checked the needed fabric calculations and the fat quarter was more than sufficient.

Finally, I contacted the seller on Etsy and she made the pattern without ever having it stitched up. I admit I more than grumbled silently to myself. I have now ordered and received a full half yard of the fabric I choose. I will be starting it for the fourth time before the end of the month.

Stitching Success

Frustrations aside, it has been a successful month of stitching. I worked on both pieces drawn for UFO2FO this month, I am up-to-date on my temperature quilt for 2022, and I started a new piece for our mantle. Admittedly, I failed to put a single strand of floss on my Mum’s piece but there is always next month.

I stitched the variegated thread for the chocolate jar on the diagonal and learned I do NOT enjoy diagonal stitching. If you can stitch on the diagonal then my hat is off to you!

Spring Stack was pulled from stash, I’ve had the pattern since release. It should be a quick stitch and is being stitched entirely from stash. The chart is from 2004 and I am pretty sure it is now out of print.

February Plans

I will spin the UFO2FO wheel on the first and see what comes up. It is definitely motivating making progress on pieces that have been languishing for far too many years. I will admit my focus for February is the piece for hubby and Spring Stack. But I will work on the UFO2FO pieces for at least one day each and Mum’s piece for a day or two.

Witch’s Pantry could be completed by October if I commit to finish one block on the shelf per month which is more than do-able. Even if I have to sneak in a block or two extra in the months after March so I can get hubby’s piece completed.

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